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Capitalism or Socialism…

In an attention-grabbing headline, Rasmussen Reports recently announced that only 53

percent of Americans believe that Capitalism is better than Socialism. Apparently, 80

percent of investors allegedly root for Capitalism, as do more than 90 percent of Republicans, while a whopping 30 percent of Democrats apparently prefer Socialism.

Do these survey results, following close on the heels of the passage of the Obama Administration’s massive fiscal stimulus and industry bailout package, herald the end of Capitalism? I think not.

The biggest myth that needs to be dissolved is this notion that Capitalism and Socialism are absolutes. Admittedly, pure Capitalism and full-bore, Marxian state-led economic planning can never be reconciled. In reality, numerous things that Americans take for granted are, effectively, intrusions into the free market economy.

Even beyond Social Security, the FDIC, and other programs as true-blue as the Space program, the military, and the FDA represent very real manipulations of the economy, industry, and even individual citizens.
After all, when the government enlists a soldier, they must clothe, feed, shelter, pay, train, and transport him or her.

Each of these actions sets into motion a series of government contracts, which then lead to hirings and firings, purchases and construction, and an ever-increasing web of interactions. Some segments of the economy see an influx of cash and others are allowed to wither. Either way, the economy is manipulated.

In truth, however, neither the bailout, nor the stimulus program, nor even the New New Deal, or whatever Obama will end up calling it, heralds the end of Capitalism.

The ultimate irony will be if today’s Socialist stimulus proves tomorrow’s Capitalist salvation.

April 23, 2009 Posted by | Bailout, Capitalism, Economy, Opinion, Socialism, Stimulus | 2 Comments

How we start our day…

This is a very stressful period for all of us. The economy is in the tank, many of us are losing money and jobs, and there are wars all over the planet. Now that’s not news. So why mention it. Many of our friends and neighbors might have a tendency to let their inner stressful and fearful state manifest outward and spillover into the community. There’s already enough fear and anger. We don’t need more. When one manifests fear and anger it has an impact on the entire community. I firmly believe that we can maintain and enhance civility in these difficult times. But we have to work on ourselves first and not allow the anger, fear and rudeness of others to alter our more aware standard of behavior. One thing we can do is not focus on all the negatives that are out there. I found that one of the worse things you can do is awaken to the daily news. Nothing summons stress-causing agents more than those national and local news personalities reminding you of all the doom and gloom. Think about it, the first thing you hear is the body count from wars and natural catastrophes around the globe, or what poor person got shot or died in a car accident or fire the previous night. And, there is always the economic news. You may not want to admit it, but these harbingers of gloom imprint negative images and thoughts in our minds that travel with us the rest of the day. The business and news of the day is something that does need to be factored into your thoughts, but not the first thing in the morning. Most of us have a morning ritual. My advice is to examine yours and see how it impacts on your daily stress level and thought process. Ask yourself honest questions about it, and if you determine that it is negative or stressful in the slightest way, then change it. Let’s always present our better and higher selves to the world each day.

April 9, 2009 Posted by | Community, Family, Opinion | 1 Comment